Calling All Military - Veterans, Service, and Family Members!

Discover The Definitive 3-Step Battle Plan To Dominate The Battlefield of Life, And Conquer ANY Challenge In Your Path!

In the Military Community
Can Build Their Dream Life with Confidence & Comradery
In AND Out Of Uniform And
No One Gets Left Behind

Ever feel like you’ve been air-dropped into unfamiliar territory without your usual gear or comrades by your side? 

Doesn't matter if you’re still in uniform, hung up your uniform for good, or whether you are someone who’s supporting either of those 2, our turbulent transitions often require MAMMOTH size adjustments.

I’ve been there.

One minute, you’re in a totally familiar world, with all the structure & support you need. Then a quick transition occurs and suddenly…  

You’re expected to excel in a totally new environment, completely foreign to that familiar structure which defined your whole existence in the place you just left.  

Maybe you’ve even achieved some high levels of success in your new environments. But I’d wager a guess that something’s still missing.

Whether you’re:

  • Seeking more balance, as you've reached some level of success in certain areas of life, but feel you've sacrificed too much in other areas to get there.

  • Feeling a sense of unfulfilled potential in your life, as if you're settling when you could be doing or achieving something more or more effective.

  • Searching for clarity as you move through a major transition point in life (e.g. Marriage/divorce, having a Baby, career change, a personal loss, unit transfer, ETS or Retirement, etc)

  • Done with just letting life happen to you, and want to take your destiny in your hands, and make life happen FOR you instead!

  • Craving the discovery of who you really are, what your unique purpose is, and what you really want in EVERY area of your life.

You are Not alone and your obstacles Are conquerable.
Keep in Mind 2 things...

You Don’t Have To Settle For Mediocrity 
You Can Thrive in Every Area of Life

I mean let’s face it; plenty of people achieve great success in a few areas of life. But how many people in general (let alone in our community) achieve success in ALL the areas of life?

Maybe you’re thinking that kind of unequivocal life success is a pipe dream?

I’m here to tell you it’s not! 

So then, if it’s not a pipe dream, why aren’t more people achieving it?

Because people are taken out by feelings of stress and overwhelm.

And while those kinds of feelings are all too common for the world in general, they are

excessively common and detrimental for Members of Our Community.

(I’ll talk up some stats in the video to show you what I mean).

After all, as Service Members, we get paid to deal with the kind of intense circumstances

that most people either can’t or really don’t want to.

And for us, it’s more than just relocating, leaving friends, or changing jobs…

it’s about changing our whole life, all in one fell swoop, over, & over again,

sometimes even while putting our very life itself on the line.

That’s a LOT of “gum” in our gears, that leaves long lasting effects, long after our Service ends.

The Biggest Problem?

Everything You’ve Tried To “Fix” Your Issues Or Break Through Plateaus Seems To Fall Short:

  • Self-help programs are full of promise & “good ideas” but in reality, don’t make the slightest difference.

  • When you’re getting out, job prep workshops translate your military skills into civilian language, but don’t seem to account for our Military Mindset.

  • Civilian “Team-building” exercises lack the deep camaraderie of the Military and, let’s be honest, can even make things more awkward.

  • Veteran meetups are great for reminiscing, until they start highlighting the fact that all of your buddies are just as lost as you are.

  • Counselors & Therapists are great at highlighting problems and why they exist, but not so great at finding solutions that actually FIX them.

  • And NOBODY is helping you bridge the gap between how you relate to other Military Members and how you relate to your friends, family, & the rest of the civilian world - especially when they haven’t been through what we have.

At Some Point,

We All Realize

That As Service Members & Veterans,

We Have 2 Choices:

  1. To one day make the Ultimate Sacrifice


  1. Make the Everlasting Sacrifice throughout the rest of our days

But what if we could replace choice number 2 with something better?

Sounds Like a Complex Problem

But There’s Actually A Simple, Veteran-Tailored & Approved Solution

(And You Can Learn to Implement Its Foundation In Just Minutes!)

Life in the Military is about tackling challenges that would send most people running.   

And yet, the simple challenge of living a High Quality Life usually sends US running.  

Like I said before, cookie-cutter advice, self-help books, and their like, usually just leave us feeling more misunderstood, frustrated, and side-lined than ever before…  

Because people who haven’t been through what we have, just don’t get it.   

They fail to appreciate the depth of the transitions we face.   

They don’t understand Military life, the bonds formed in Service, the Leadership and Crisis Management Skills that come second nature to us OR what we experience when those skills no longer have a practical application in life.  

But I do.

Discover The Definitive 3-Step Battle Plan To Dominate The Battlefield of Life, And Conquer ANY Challenge In Your Path!

Hi, I’m James Beck

Combat Veteran and Former Forward Artillery Observer in the United States Army - now directing my Battlefield Leadership Experience, towards the Battlefield of Life, exclusively for Members of the Military Community.

I know…it’s a complete 180 in terms of Leadership Intent, right? I mean, I used to help blow people up, now I help people build themselves up.

Well, somewhere along my way, I realized that I had become really good at a lot of things, but only great at 1 thing - destruction...Not just of my enemies in war...I made enemies out of everyone & everything in my life, including my life itself - at that point, there were only 2 choices left:

Face Everything And Rise


Fail Everything And Relent

The reality was that all I’d endured & experienced to date should have killed me (or set me up to get myself killed) and I was terrified. But instead of buckling, I went on a journey of self-discovery and growth that

(2nd only to the Grace of God) is the #1 reason I am still alive today.

You see, it was my Military Mindset that both, helped me into my troubles AND got me out of them. As someone who knows the paradox that Military Vets, Service & Family Members go through, both physically and mentally… 

I know that what I’m about to share with you CAN change your life, like it did mine.

But let me peel back the curtain for a moment and confess something to you…I don’t think I gave enough to Our Community when I was actively serving, and I had ZERO tools to help me fix that.

So now…

I’m on a mission to equip as many Members of the U.S. Military & Veteran Community with the support and guidance I didn’t have, and that (as a general rule) we don’t have in our paths.

And the best strategy I’ve found to do that, is 1 that doesn’t just acknowledge our background but Actively Integrates it into our Battle Plans for Life. That’s why I’ve started out by creating a simple, step-by-step video to help Our Community of People understand exactly what it takes to build a Comprehensive, but SOLID Foundation under the ever changing currents of our lives …

…so that - No Matter What Hits You - You can Adapt, Improvise, & Overcome!

Ready to identify where you are now, how to pinpoint where you want to go, map out the exact steps you need to take to get there, and build your dream life?

Then I urge you to take the 1st step and…

Discover The Definitive 3-Step Battle Plan To Dominate The Battlefield Of Life,And Conquer Any Challenge In Your Path!

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